
Summer of Color- Week 5

Well, I don't think I made the cut-off for the weeks' drawing, but I still wanted to let you see what I had done for the week.

This week we are using Dark blue, light blue, and red as our colors.  As I had surgery on Tuesday afternoon I really couldn't do anything until yesterday.  If you're watching the weather nation-wide you know it is HOT HOT HOT in the WA Pacific NW area and I just didn't sleep well enough last night to get this posted in time.  But here is week 5.  I LOVED doing this week as these colors are fun for me to work with.  I hope you enjoy!

Can't wait to find out what our color combo is for next week.  I sure do wish this wasn't ending so soon as it's been a HUGE blessing to me while I recuperated from the 2 surgeries I've had this summer.




Kristin said...

Feel Better!

Sharon Fritchman said...

I hope you feel better soon. Your little pages are amazing!

AM Zafaran said...

Wishing you health and recovery. I love the girl and the bird and the positive message!

sheila 77 said...

You art is lovely, inspiring and heart warming. I love the girl with her hair-style (we call them "bunches") and her pale blue jumper, and the blue bird, and your other page is super too.
Sending best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Halle said...

Hope all is well with you now...love your journals.

Caz said...

awww this is lovely! The girl is so sweet next to the heart!

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